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[RE.VIV'ER] n. one who activates, sets in motion; renews; returns to life, vigor, or strength; brings new vitality; reanimates.


At REVIVER we have a simple goal - We Push Play. We process nascent trends in sport and recreation to create, develop, deliver and produce innovative sport activations, properties and media - generating inventive ideas within both existing and emerging sport sectors. 


We work strategically and inventively as a creative activator in traditional and established sport sectors that offer emerging and evolving opportunities. Our goal is to unlock unrealized potential in sport sectors by designing and activiating new ways to play, watch and participate.


Push Play With Us. We actively seek like-minded partnering in our projects to generate strategic corporate, athlete, endorser, investor, sponsor, broadcaster, industry and sport sector benefit. 


Please feel free to talk to us about our ideas - or yours. We embrace the idea that. As in any sport - teamwork creates success.

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